Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk
 | Academician Janusz Kacprzyk
Professor, Ph.D, D.Sc, dr h.c. mult.
Fellow of IEEE, IET, IFSA, EurAI, SMIA
Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Newelska 6, 01-447 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +(48)(22) 3810275, +(48) 604542988 (mobile) Languages: (fluent): English, Russian, German, Italian,
(good): French, Spanish
WWW: | Birth date: July 12, 1947
Born and raised in Warsaw, Poland |
Education and degrees earned:
M.S. in computer science and automatic control, 1970 by the Department of Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland.
Ph.D. with distinction in systems analysis, 1977, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences.
D.Sc. (habilitation) in computer science, 1990, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Full Professor, 1997 awarded in 1997 by President of the Republic of Poland.
Current employment:
Professor, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences (SRI PAS), Warsaw, Poland; since 1970.
Professor, WIT – Warsaw School of Appied IT and Management, Warsaw, Poland, since 1998.
Professor, Industrial Research Institute of Automation and Measurements (PIAP), Warsaw, Poland, since 2007.
Honorary External Professor, Department of Mathematics, Yli Normal University, Xinjiang, China, since 2006.
Full professor, part-time, Chongqing Three Gorges University w Wangxi, P.R. of China, since 2017.
Visiting professorships:
Hagan School of Business, Iona College, New Rochelle, NY, USA, 1981 – 83.
Department of Computer Science, Universty of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA, Spring, 1986.
Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC, USA, Spring, 1988.
Department of Management and Computer Sciences, University of Trento, Italy, Spring 1994.
Department of Computer Science, Tijuana Institute of Technology, Tijuana, Mexico, since 2006.
RIKEN Brain Research Institute, Wako, Tokyo, Japan, 2006-2016.
School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 2003 – 2006.
Memberships of Academies:
Full member, Polish Academy of Sciences, since 2010 (Member correspondent since 2002).
Member, Academia Europaea (Informatics), since 2014.
Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Class VI – Technical Sciences), since 2015.
Member, International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS), since 2020.
Foreign member, Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF), since 2007.
Foreign member, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, since 2013.
Foreign member, The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters (Societas Scientiarum Fennica), since 2017.
Foreign member, Flemish Royal Belgian Academy of Science and the Arts (KVAB), since 2018.
Honorary doctorates:
Honorary Doctorate (Dr. honoris causa), Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary, 2014.
Honorary Doctorat (Dr. honoris causa), Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary, 2016.
Honorary Doctorate (Dr. honiris causa), Professor Asen Zlatarev University, Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2017.
Honorary Doctorate (Dr. honoris causa), Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, 2017.
Fellowships titles:
Fellow, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), since 2006.
Fellow, IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), since 2017.
Fellow, IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems Association), since 1997.
Fellow EurAI (ECCAI) -European Assiciation for Artificial Intelligence, since 2014.
Fellow, SMIA (Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence), since 2015.
Pioneer and similar scientific awards:
- The 2017 Award of HAFSA (Hispanic American Fuzzy Systems Association) for pioneering contributions to the areas of fuzzy logic and systems.
- The 2016 Award of the International Neural Network Society – Indian Chapter for Outstanding Contributions to Computational Intelligence
- Medal of ECSC (European Centre of Soft Computing) for contributiins to the etsblishment and activities of the European Centre of Soft Computing, Mieres, Spain, 2015
- Lifetime Achievement Award in Soft Computing, WAC (World Automation Congress), 2014.
- IFSA 2013 Award for outstanding academic contributions and life time achievement in the field of fuzzy systems, and a continuous support of IFSA, IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems Association), 2013.
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE CIS, 2010 – 2012.
- Medal of the Polish Neural Network Society for exceptional contributions to the advancement of computational intelligence in Poland, 2010.
- Pioneer Award for Outstanding Contributions to Granular Computing and Computing with Words, Silicon Valley Chapter IEEE CIS, 2007.
- Pioneer Award, IEEE CIS for pioneering works on multistage fuzzy control, in particular fuzzy dynamic programming, IEEE, 2006.
- 6-th Kaufmann Award and Gold Medal for pioneering works on the use of fuzzy logic in economics and management, 2006.
- AutoSoft Journal Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of pioneering and outstanding contributions to the field of soft computing, 2000.
- Medal of the University of Liège, Belgium, 1981.
Current functions in national and international organizations:
President, Polish Operational and Systems Research Society (PTBOiS), since 2007.
Past President, International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), 2009-2011.
Member, IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) Adcom (Administrative Committee) – 2011-2016, 2018...
Chair, Award Committee, IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society), 2016.
Member, Fellows Committee, IEEE CIS, 2017, Award Committee, 2018, DLP, 2018
Chair, Fellows Committee, IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems Association), since 2017.
Member of International Program Committees at conferences: more than 300
Member of International Editorial Boards of journals: more than 50
Editor in chief of journals: 1
Editor in chief of book series at Springer: 8
Summary of publications (as of May 20, 2020):
Google Scholar: citations: 28094; h-index: 74
Scopus: citations: citations: 8416; h-index: 40
ResearcherID (M-9574-2014): citations: 9014; h-index=42
Web of Science: citations: citations: 6696 (5517 without self-citations) h-index: 34
Books- 7
Edited volumes: ca. 150
Papers in journals with IF (WoS): ca. 110
Total number of publications: ca. 650
Plenary and invited talks: more than 100